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Monday, July 6, 2020

Struggle with self-promotion at job interview, workplace or in business? How to Market yourself?

Struggle with self-promotion at job interview, workplace or in business? How to Market yourself?

👉 #storytime #IntrovertedMarketing “Does anyone struggle with the idea of self-promotion, or struggle to promote themselves, whether it be for a new job, in workplaces, or in business? If so, what did you do to combat and overcome these issues?” I saw this question and can totally relate. Here’s my story..

I’m a mathematics actuarial sci major from UCLA. If u don’t know what that it, actuaries are those who calculate risk, lose reserve and development products for insurance companies.  Most actuaries are known to be technically strong, but nerdy and shy. Hello 👋 , that was me. 

Last year at UCLA, I was horrible at job interviews, and still was for years to come. I would be so nervous, my brain would freeze up and lost for words.  I didn’t have this problem with people who knew me and worked with me at school. At UCLA and UCI FEMBA, my team would ask me to lead because I was strong at collaborating.  But new hiring managers would never know this since I have a hard time articulating or promoting that.  I felt self-promotion is un-humbling, self absorb, and self-centered, which are values I was brought up against. 

Most of the actuaries had the same issues as me at UCLA during my year. 2/3 of us all sucked at interviews. Some of the companies would invite us to an office tour or dinner.  In that relaxed environment, I was amazing and got invites to formal job interviews.  (I didn’t realize that was the purpose of the social events at that time) But, when I arrived at the interview, my nervousness came back and haunted me.

Luckily, I found my first job thru another UCLA alumni.  She had the same major and the same issues.  But working with a group of actuaries never helped me learn how to market myself. *key point here .. find alumni to help me* 

It’s actually thru talking to others who excel in that self-promoting that helped me.  One guy who worked at Deloitte Accounting told me, “you’re the product that you’re selling”.  Another product manager at Yahoo said,” you’re the only advocate who knows you the most and will always be on your side”.  Slowly, my mindset changed. 

Also, when I started recruiting for Yahoo, I had to go thru hundreds of resumes.  I realized self-promoting is really “delivering effective message to the hiring mgr” so they can identify the right candidates *faster*. 

That’s what marketing is..”delivering the right message to the right person at the right time at different touch points”! 

Hope this #storytime has helped me.  Follow my hashtags #RuthsStoryTime #StoryTime or #5minKaizenRuth if you want to see more of this content. 

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